Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rainy with a chance of chocolate

This morning I woke up and it was pouring.  The last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed, but I promised myself I I would wake up early and start doing abs every morning.  Goal accomplished!  That extra five minutes in the morning seems so huge when I’m in bed, but really, it’s only five minutes.

As for my eats, I started off with an amazing hodge podge of cereals: banana nut cheerios, kashi cinnamon, and the best new cereal ever —> CHOCOLATE CHEERIOS.  If you have a sweet tooth, these are a must have!

I’m a complete kid at heart, so I also sweetened it up with chocolate soy milk by SoySlender.  They make the best soymilk, and I have such a hard time finding it in vanilla so I figured why not just have the chocolate!  It was yummy!!!  I also had a banana and a cup of coffee.  I’m not going to lie, I start off many mornings this way.  I have no creativity time when it comes to breakfast.  I am usually sprinting out the door because I read too many blogs when I should be getting ready.

After school, I went to spinning class instead of zumba.  My unlimited dance membership doesn’t start until Feb. 1st, so I figured I’d go back to spinning.  I do love a good spinning class, and I definitely enjoyed it, but I’m thinking I still enjoy Zumba more.

Speaking of zumba, check out www.zumba.com for zumba classes in your area.  I haven’t looked for videos, but I now that they’re out there.

Oh, and I succeeded in another goal today .. I packed lunch and cooked dinner!  Dinner was MMMM-azing tonight.  I made butternut squash fries, grilled tuna, and some broccoli.  I am uber proud of myself.

I’m sending this girl to the curb….

I hope you had a good Monday!!

Question of the day: What’s your favorite cereal?  How about your favorite breakfast??

[Via http://livelaughloveandrun.wordpress.com]

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