Saturday, December 19, 2009

I LOVE Mason Jars!

Mason Jars

Mason Jars

My love of mason jars started  Winter Solstice/Christmas of ‘08 when I decided to save money on gifts by making home made “Gifts in a Jar”. I bought a case of wide mouth quart jars, and filled them with cookie and quick bread mix. It was so much simpler than actually baking gifts, which I would have eaten half of anyway.  So after the holidays I had several jars around and I began to use them in the kitchen. They are the only container I trust to hold liquids without leaking, which is important when you usually travel with a hungry 1 year old.  My mom said I could freeze in mason jars, as long as you leave a few inches at the top for expansion. I’ve frozen several batches of soup in them this winter. I also noticed that most of the jars have measurements on the side, making it pretty easy to mix up a small batch of powdered milk in the morning for cereal. And this past summer I learned to can apple butter and grape jelly.  Sure I still have some plastic containers, mostly saved things like butter tubs, ice cream buckets, but I’ll never buy “Glad Ware” ever again. I’d rather put my money into glass containers, which are safer than plastic, and can be used for so many things.


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