Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dinner Art

the beginning of tomato sauce

It’s been a very long time since I’ve cooked something.  Some of you know, I used to cook for a living (in a former life).  But it’s our first chilly weekend on the coast and I thought I’d pass on my usual Saturday night ritual of pizza at Cru Wine Bar and stay at home and cook my own dinner.  I’d forgotten that cooking is such a satisfying creative activity!  My boyfriend and I have recently broken up … (which is why my posts have been so negative and glum lately, I think.  I’m sorry about that, grieving and all ….I promise I’m working on it).  But I’ve spent the past year and a half eating out or he would make meals for me – (we tended to clash in the kitchen, so I just stepped aside …)  Anyway, I really enjoyed preparing this meal.  It’s a lot like painting … a very right brain activity, for sure.  Just put on some good music and say good bye to everything but the moment!

I’ve never cooked a spaghetti squash but it seems like an appropriate dish for a chilly day.  Tonight’s special – spaghetti squash with home made tomato sauce. My inspiration came from one of my new favorite blogs “Kath Eats Real Food”(see my” blogs I like” link in the sidebar).


tomato sauce

top it off with fresh parsley

As I mentioned, I’ve never cooked a spaghetti squash before.  If you haven’t either, be prepared and have a chain-saw or hatchet on hand.  They are very difficult to cut and I cut my hand badly – with the DULL side of the knife.  It was reminiscent of an art accident I had in a class with Todd Greene when cutting cardboard for a mixed media painting which resulted in a trip to the ER for stitches.  I’m just saying … be careful!

the dangers of spaghetti squash!

Anyway, if you survive cutting it in half, just put it face down on a baking pan with a little water and cook for 45 minutes at 450 degrees.

cooked squash

Next, scoop out the instant spaghetti!

instant spaghetti!

Bon Appetit!

spaghetti squash with tomato sauce

It’s better than the picture gives it credit …  I’ve got plenty of leftovers if anyone is hungry!

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