Friday, October 9, 2009

Can't Eat Right? Drink a Shake

I have been reading bits and pieces lately about the health and wellness of our nation.  It is scary.  The increase in High Fructose Corn Syrup consumption among Americans alone is disturbing.  Well, I guess maybe it is only disturbing if you give a shit about your health.  I don’t know why people think it is so oddball and weird that I am extremely health conscience.  If anything, I think it is more screwed up that people are still eating donuts and HoHo’s in the year 2009.  I also think that achieving health in our nation is a pipe dream.  If people wanted take care of themselves, they would be doing it already. 

As I have mentioned previously in other posts, I’m not advocating six pack abs and marathon-like endurance.  That is not the point.  The point is that people are choosing television over getting outside at 2p.m. in the afternoon on a Saturday, in the Summer.  Think about that.  Better yet, look at the statistics regarding kids under the age of twelve in modern day society…  I heard from Brian Grasso on a podcast like a year ago that 1:3 kids under the age of twelve was either OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE.  Come on people.  What are these parents doing while there kids are pre-disposing themselves to disease before they even enter middle school?  Nintendo Wii is cool, but it isn’t going to get you into shape by flailing your arms around for 2 hours a day… bowling.

The rant is over.  What I really wanted to touch on is how on-the-go eating is kind of an art.  Maybe more like a planned science.  It isn’t that difficult once you make it habit.  The best way to create a habit (a good one) is to stay disciplined and do it everyday.  Eventually it becomes second nature, and you will even find yourself stumbling upon better ways to effectively complete your habit. 

For example preparing food.  The ideal daily food intake involves whole foods throughout the day.  Sometimes, based on the environment or the time constraints, it might not be an option.  Nutrient shakes save me on a daily basis.  Seriously, analyze the following ingredients of my preferred shake:



POM (pomegranate juice)


protein powder (maybe the most sketchy out of all listed)

probiotic plain yogurt

milk (enough to bring it all to a drinkable liquid)


Best drink ever.  The best part about the way that I eat is that I genuinely enjoy what I consume on a daily basis.  Plus, I can justify everything that I eat.  When you can whole-heartedly justify everything that enters your mouth, my best bet is that you will then be on the right track to healthful food consumption.  Stop counting calories, and start putting things into your body that are rich in nutrients, and make sense.  Proper nutrition is just common sense.  I get the general sense from speaking with people is that most people know what they SHOULD be doing when it comes to food and exercise.  What is glaringly obvious is that despite KNOWING, they are AVOIDING.  It’s an interesting psychological battle.



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