I’ve probably said it before, but I really don’t get how the searches, as broad (or weird) as they are, generate hits here. Somebody looks for “funny” or “babies” or “chinese eat baby soup” or “angel statue with arm broken off” and it all winds up in my stats whether anyone’s actually clicked on the search engine’s link to my site or not? It makes me feel something like an ignoramus to not know these things.
Ah well, I am to coding as I am to car repair. I can find the windshield wiper fluid and add oil. But not into the windshield wiper fluid receptacle because that’d be really really wrong…
Anywho, searches. My numbering of these volumes is a little wonky since there are a lot of weeks where I wasn’t blogging, and last week I just plumb forgot about it altogether.
Looking at my overall stats, it is somewhat alarming how many people are looking for Chinese people eating babies. I know I’ve wondered about some of the mystery meats under the red lights at Asian buffets before but I’m pretty sure I’ve never eaten anything that was once a human (or could become one — did you know there’s a cookbook just for semen as an additive out there? It’s called Natural Harvest. Seriously.) If they’re looking for man-eating babies, that isn’t much better. That sounds more like a foray into pedophilia, which is nothing one should be supportive of or promote in any way. Yikes.
Searching for baby photos is another weird one, as far as I’m concerned. I get the desire to look at the photos of family or friends or even the polite nod and smile as your cubicle neighbour swamps you with pics of the newest crotch-fruit. But just searching for baby pictures with no particular baby in mind? What’s that all about? What are people looking for, those odd looking trollish babies, or the ones wearing funny t-shirts advertising babies loving boobies? What? Somebody explain it to me sometime. I genuinely wonder.
“Jesus Christ vs Zeus” makes me think of World Wrestling for some reason. Talk about the match of the century. Was Jesus a pacifist? What would Jesus do? Could the Son of God actually clothesline the Son of Titans or would Zeus just piledrive him into the mat and light his tights on fire with a well placed lightening bolt….okay, and now I’m getting a visual of Christ’s tight butt hanging out for the world to see, and well, I’m blushing a little…if there’s a hell to be had, I’d be on my way, I’m sure.
And I can’t even translate המבורגר — but if Google Images is anything to go by, it’s more hamburgers. People just love hamburgers. I don’t think vegetarians are ever gonna win. No siree bob.
see more Fail Blog
Well, this party was funner than most. And yes, I’m fully aware funner is not a word. Learn to deal. It’ll help with the Poker…
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