Monday. ’nuff said. I started the day with a pretty good idea of how it was going to go, but like most other days my schedule shifted right out from under me. I don’t know why I’m surprised when this happens, although I will say I’m getting much better about flowing with it than I used to. Got a lot of walking in, since the first thing I did this morning was put my car in the shop for its 50K tune up.
Breakfast: lemon water; oats, almonds, cinnamon, cardamom, frozen cherries; chai. This does not look delicious but it was very tasty. I love cherries and cardamom together. I’ve been away so much these last two weeks that the cupboard is utterly bare, hence the frozen fruit and no greens. I’ve got two more days at home this week and then I’m off on travel again, tomorrow I’ll be able to hit the farmer’s market after bootcamp and get some fruit and greens.
Lunch: arugula, cucumber, white sweet potato, tomato, pecans, pumpkin chutney; blue corn chips; water. Would have preferred to eat outside than at my desk, but the wind was really kicking up and it was threatening rain. I made sure the computer was off and had some nice music on.
Snack: nettle tea; lemon ginger tea; grain sweetened chocolate chips, dried cranberries, raw pepitas, raw cashews. I was out of little containers so I mixed this right up in the bag with the last handful of chocolate chips. I then proceeded to pour the last bits out of the bag and into my mouth, but ended up dumping half of it down my shirt. Now, explain to me how it can possibly be that I’m single: I’m a woman with chocolate cashew cleavage.
Dinner: fried egg; sprouted wheat toast with butter; kale, tomatoes, onions; apple cider; lemongrass tea; toast with butter and honey. Scrambled eggs: must be Monday night. I like to sit on the couch and watch HIMYM.
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